spinal surgery in thrissur | aterya hospital | thrissur
spinal surgery in thrissur | aterya hospital | thrissur
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A serious life alteration results from a spinal cord injury or illness. Many questions, worries, and anxieties about the present and future are raised by such an accident or illness. A comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of spine disorders is provided by Spine Center, which is dedicated to improving outcomes and using evidence-based therapy. The procedure is safe by spinal surgery in thrissur international standards since navigation and intraoperative monitoring are available. Advanced robotic operating microscopes provide surgeons access to state-of-the-art equipment. As an exceptional interdisciplinary center, it puts together a team to look into, diagnose, and treat spinal problems and related issues. With everything she needs, Atreya can do sophisticated spine surgery, such as
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